復興支援 珠洲焼

The Kanazawa Craft Exhibition Online was launched in order to support local craft artists, due to the exhibition opportunities caused by COVID-19 spreading. Kanazawa City, the Kanazawa Craft Council and local craft artists cooperate together to organize this online exhibition. We introduce the charms of Kanazawa craft to people all over the world.


  • Uozumi Yasunobu/魚住安信


  • Itabashi Hiromi/板橋廣美


  • Imanishi Hirotake/今西泰赳


  • Hasegawa Sojin/長谷川塑人


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These are the messages from people related to Kanazawa crafts to craftspersons and website visitors offered at the start of the exhibition in May 2020.

  • Shima Atsuhiko, Former Director of 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa / 島敦彦 前 金沢21世紀美術館長 

  • Karasawa Masahiro, Director of National Crafts Museum / 唐澤昌宏 国立工芸館長 

  • Yamazaki Tsuyoshi, President of Kanazawa College of Art / 山崎剛 前 金沢美術工芸大学 学長

  • Nakano Kouichi, Holder of important intangible culture property for “maki-e” (sprinkled picture) technique / 中野孝一 重要無形文化財「蒔絵」保持者

  • Nakagawa Mamoru, Holder of important intangible culture property for “metal chasing” (chokin) technique / 中川衛 重要無形文化財「彫金」保持者

  • Uozumi Iraku, Holder of important intangible culture property for “gong for tea ceremony” (dora) making technique / 魚住為楽 重要無形文化財「銅鑼」保持者

  • Ohi Toyasai, Recipient of the Order of Culture and the Person of Culture Merit / 故 ⼤樋陶冶斎 文化勲章受章・文化功労者